For more than a century, the Teamsters Union has helped millions of workers achieve the American dream. Our success is a testament to those who came before us, working people who stood together to form a union and a labor movement. These workers fought for the rights and privileges that today most Americans take for granted. Without the solidarity of unions, there would be no weekends, no pensions, and no health insurance across industries and employers. Altogether, we accomplished this by mobilizing masses of members, engaging with our communities, and lobbying for changes that will protect American workers. Workers are doing the same in the Cannabis Industry and the Teamsters union is their home for it.


Assembly Bill 1291

Under California State Assembly Bill 1291, companies in the cannabis industry with 20 or more employees are required to enter into or demonstrate that they have already entered into, a labor peace agreement. AB 1291 allows the Bureau of Cannabis Control to suspend or permanently revoke licenses for failing to comply with the requirement. Labor Peace Agreement (LPA) are legally binding contracts between a company and the Teamsters. LPAs outline the company’s obligations to remain neutral with respect to forming a union, granting Teamster organizers access to the companies facilities, and providing employee's contact information so we can educate workers of their rights.

Under Federal Law:

Private sector employees across the country (like those in the cannabis industry) have the right to unionize. It is unlawful for an employer to interfere or coerce employees in the exercise of their rights. For example, employers may not terminate, threaten, interrogate, spy on pro-union employees, or promise benefits if workers go against a union.

Union Contracts:

Over the years, Teamster Local 1932 has bargained hundreds of contracts covering thousands of public and private employees. Through the collective bargaining process, member-driven bargaining teams negotiate union contracts with the assistance of our professional staff.

These union contracts cover your rights and benefits on issues as varied as retirement benefits, health insurance premiums, maternity leave, educational incentives, and dozens of other topics. No two union contracts are the same and we encourage all members to be familiar with what’s in their contract, for two important reasons:

  1. To ensure that your rights in the workplace are not being violated; and

  2. To build a base for improvements in wages, benefits, and working conditions.

Once unionized, Teamster Local 1932 wants our members to be well-informed and active participants in protecting the hard-fought gains of the many members who have come before them, and to ensure quality employment in the future for current and new employees alike. Together we’re raising standards in the cannabis industry!